Legal notice
1. Identifying data
- Designation: Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa
- Registered Office: Loramendi, 4, 20500 Arrasate / Mondragon.
- CIF: F-20045241
- Telephone: 943794700
- e-Mail:
- Entered in the Ministry of Education Register of Universities Centres and Degrees: No. 061
- Domain name:
2. Object and scope of application
General conditions
These are the general conditions (henceforth “general conditions”) that regulate the access, navigation and use of the web sites under the domain “” (henceforth, the website), as well as the responsibilities arising from the use of their content (henceforth “contents” means all texts, graphics, designs, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, video, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on the intellectual and industrial property). Regardless of the same, Mondragon Unibertsitatea may establish specific conditions governing the use and/or contracting of specific services offered to users through the website.
The access or use of the website by the user automatically implies the express acceptance without reservation of the present general conditions by the user. Consequently, the user must read carefully these general conditions.
A user to is the person who accesses navigates, uses or participates in the services and activities, free or chargeable, developed within the website.
Warning prior to use
Before use and/or contracting these specific services provided by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the user must carefully read the relevant special conditions created for that purpose by the aforesaid institution. The use and/or the contracting of these specific services implies the acceptance of the particular conditions that regulate their use in the version published by Mondragon Unibertsitatea at the time of the use or contracting.
3. Intellectual and industrial property rights
Any appellations, marks, distinguishing signs, trade names, designs and/or logo reflected in the website are elements duly registered by Mondragon University. Any misuse of the same by anyone other than the legitimate holder may be pursued in accordance with the legislation in force. The website is the property of Mondragon University, S.COOP.
Intellectual property rights and industrial property of the website, their pages, screens, the information contained, appearance and design, as well as the links established from it to other web pages are the property of Mondragon University unless otherwise specified. Mondragon University has exclusive rights of exploitation and reproduction of the website. The user can download the content, copy or print any page of the website, exclusively for personal use and provided that they respect the rights of the holder. In any circumstances may the user change, amend or delete the information, content or warnings of the website. Neither may anyone reproduce, transmit or amend the content of the website, directly or indirectly, without the prior written authorization of Mondragon University.
4. Access to the website and contents
Access conditions
Access to the website by users is free of charge. However, some of the services and contents offered by Mondragon Unibertsitatea or third parties through the website may be subject to prior contracting of the service or product and the payment of a sum of money in the form to be determined in the relevant Special Conditions, in which case it will be clearly explained.
The contracting of products and services through the website by minors is prohibited; it requires the prior and proper consent of their parents, tutors or legal representatives, those considered responsible for the actions of minors, in accordance with the legislation in force.
Obligations of the user
The user will use the contents of the website in accordance with the law and public order, and will not use them for purposes or effects contrary to the law, to public morality, or public decency.
The user will not reproduce or copy, distribute, carry out any type of act of public communication for by him or herself or on behalf of third parties through any support or format, transforming or modifying the contents, unless with the authorization of the owner of the content authors rights.
5. Use of the website
The contents included in the website are provided exclusively for consumers or end-users. Any unauthorised commercial use, or its resale, is prohibited, unless by the prior written authorization of Mondragon University.
If for the use and/or contracting service in the website, the user should proceed to a registration procedure or login, the user will be responsible for providing information that is true, lawful and the user shall be the sole holder. If as a result of registration, the user is provided with a password, the user undertakes to use this with care and to keep the password secret. Consequently, users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any passwords supplied by Mondragon Unibertsitatea and undertake not to give their use to third parties, whether temporarily or permanently, nor to allow access to outsiders. The user will be responsible for any illegitimate use of services by any third party that is using a password provided by the user.
Under the above, it is the duty of the user to notify Mondragon University immediately in the case of any misuse, theft or loss of any password.
If such events are not communicated, Mondragon University shall not be responsible for actions arising from the misuse of passwords or identifiers by unauthorised third parties.
Access, navigation and use of the website is the responsibility of the user; for this reason, the user promises to faithfully and diligently observe any instruction given by Mondragon Unibertsitatea or by its staff on the use of the website and its contents. Likewise, we urge you to inform this institution of any known fact of which you have knowledge which is conduct contrary to the law or violates the rights of any third party.
6. Participation tools, forums and similar
Definition, enumeration
Vídeochat, online sessions, surveys, blogs, comments in blogs, discussion forums, social networks.
Participation rules
In short, Mondragon Unibertsitatea is not responsible for the information and stored content, including, but not limited to, forums, chat rooms, generators of blogs, comments, social networks or any other means which enable third parties to publish content independently in the web page of the provider. Nevertheless, and in compliance with the provisions in articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider is available to all users, authorities and security forces, and working actively to withdraw or, as appropriate, block any content that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, rights of third parties or the moral and public order. In the event that the user considers that there exists content in the site that could be so classified, please immediately notify the administrator of the web site (
7. Content provided and created by the user
In the event that users send contents of whatever type to the website, the user declares, guarantees and accepts that he or she has the right to do so freely, that {6)the information does not infringe any intellectual property rights, trademarks, patents, trade secret, or any other third party right.
The user accepts his or her responsibility and will indemnify Mondragon Unibertsitatea for any damage derived from any communication supplied in the user’s name.
Mondragon Unibertsitatea reserves the right to disseminate, publish, edit, transform and translate the contents sent by the user.
Where content sent by users contains images, videos, etc., the user states and ensures and accepts:
- That he/she has reached the age of legal responsibility.
- That he/she is the author or copyright holder of the content, has the right to send it and is not infringing intellectual property law.
- That any recordings have been made with the consent of the people that appear in the recordings, and that in case of minors, consent has been given in writing by their legal representatives, parents or guardians and this can be proven when required.
The user accepts responsibility for these issues and will indemnify the university for all the damages caused by his or her behaviour, fault or negligence.
Mondragon Unibertsitatea reserves the right to communicate received content to the public domain in any way it sees fit, and may also edit, reproduce, transform and communicate it to the public. For this, the user gives title rights to Mondragon Unibertsitatea, on a non-exclusive basis for all author’s rights (including rights of reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication in all forms, in relation to the content sent). This concession of rights applies worldwide, for the maximum duration allowed by intellectual property law, and with the expressed ability to assign these rights to a third party.
8. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility
Mondragon Unibertsitatea does not guarantee and is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the following facts and contents, nor any damage that might be caused, deriving from it:
- Lack of availability, continuity, access, maintenance and effective functioning of the website or/and its services and updating, accuracy, completeness, relevance, currency and reliability of content, whatever the cause or difficulties or technical problems or any other such event which has these origins.
- The absence of errors in these contents.
- The transmission and/or existence of viruses, other elements or harmful programmes for the team of users that could prejudice, as a result of access, use or site examination, or produce alterations in its electronic documents or files.
- The invulnerability of the website and/or the impregnability of security measures that will be adopted.
- Damage or prejudice caused to any person who infringes the conditions, rules and instructions that Mondragon Unibertsitatea envisages for the website. Also, it is not responsible for any damage or prejudice to third parties resulting from breaches of the security systems of the website.
- The illicit, negligent, fraudulent, use by a third party, or contrary to the content of these general conditions, to good faith, or to generally accepted uses to public order, of the website, its services and content, by users.
- Contraventions or infringements by third parties of the laws uses or customs in force concerning intellectual property rights, industrial property, business secrets or contractual obligations, rights of privacy, honour, image, ownership, advertising or competition.
- Vices or defects of contents and/or services which are accessed through the website.
- For the reception, storage, obtaining, dissemination or transmission by users, of the contents of the website.
- For any sort of knowledge known or used by third parties of the characteristics and circumstances of the use of the content and services of the website by users.
The previous list is indicative and not limited to the examples given. Mondragon Unibertsitatea takes no responsibility, under any circumstances, for damages of any nature derived directly or indirectly from the same and not specified as above.
However, Mondragon Unibertsitatea has adopted all the measures necessary, using available technology to ensure the functioning of the website and avoid the existence and transmission to users of virus and other harmful components.
9. Links
Links to other websites (links)
Mondragon University may include in the website buttons, links, banners, etc., that redirect to different web pages, called links or hyperlinks. All these elements are managed by third parties, and Mondragon University does not assume any responsibility for the contents or services provided for such links, this being the responsibility of the third party.
The establishment of any kind of link from does not imply that there is some sort of connection, collaboration or dependence between Mondragon University and the holder of that page.
Links to the Mondragon Unibertsitatea website from third party websites
If any entity or user wishes to establish any kind of link with, they must meet the following conditions:
- Hyperlinks may only be established with the home page of the portal and never with any other pages, except by expressed authorization.
- Under no circumstances does Mondragon Unibertsitatea authorize the hyperlink or supervise or guarantee in any way the contents or services offered by the web page linked to via the hyperlink.
- It is forbidden to make demonstrations or false, incorrect or inaccurate statements or references on the pages and services of the website.
- Except by the expressed authorization of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, no page from which the hyperlink is established may have any trademark, trade name, logo, or distinctive sign), which refers to Mondragon Unibertsitatea except the signs integrated within the hyperlink.
- The creation of any kind of browser environment on the pages of Mondragon Unibertsitatea is expressly prohibited
- Links may not include contents contrary to the rights of third parties, or contrary to the moral and good practices accepted, nor contents or illicit information, in the web page from which the hyperlink is established.
- The existence of a hyperlink between a web page and this website does not imply the existence of a relationship between Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the owner of that web page, or the acceptance and approval of its content and services.
- Any infringement of these conditions may give rise to legal action against the user.
Mondragon Unibertsitatea does not assume any responsibility for any aspect on any website to which this website may connect by means of hypertext links.
Mondragon Unibertsitatea may require the immediate withdrawal, without justification, to any third party who establishes a link on their website to and does not conform to the previous paragraphs.
10. Modification of general conditions and validity
Mondragon Unibertsitatea may, without prior notice, amend the terms and conditions stipulated here, total or partially, publishing any change in the same way in which appear these general conditions or through any type of communication addressed to users.
These general conditions shall remain in force while they are published; if after publication there is any type of change, then this will have validity when the new general conditions are amended.
Users tacitly accept any new conditions when they access the website after changes have been made.
Without prejudice to the special conditions, Mondragon Unibertsitatea may give, interrupt, resolve or terminate, at any time and without notice, access to the contents of the website, without the user being able to demand any kind of compensation from Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
Following said termination, the content usage prohibitions stated in these General Conditions will continue to be valid.
11. Data protection
Mondragon Unibertsitatea is fully committed to the implementation of the regulations of protection of personal data and ensures comprehensive compliance with mandated obligations, as well as the implementation of security measures mandated in article 9 of Organic Law 15/1999, on Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and in the Regulation for the Development of the LOPD.
- The completion of all personal data in the cases where this is required is necessary to provide the services offered, and such service may not be offered if the user does not consent to the inclusion of their data in the corresponding files or its subsequent processing.
- Such data are included in automated files or card indexes whose responsibility is Mondragon Unibertsitatea, with address: Calle Loramendi, 4, 20500, Arrasate / Mondragon, Gipuzkoa, to be used specifically for the purposes indicated in the form of data collection, and treated confidentially by the person responsible for the data file.
- The user will provide, in all cases, true and accurate information, giving Mondragon Unibertsitatea the right to exclude users who have provided false or inaccurate data from using registered services, without prejudice to any other legal action.
- All data held will be treated confidentially, and the registered user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their personal details supplied through written communication to the person responsible for the data, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, calle Loramendi, 4, Arrasate / Mondragon, Gipuzkoa, addressed to Responsable de communication, or via e-mail to
12. Commercial communications – website
The user, from the moment at which he or she introduces data in any form to the website, authorizes and consents, under the terms drawn up by each form, Mondragon Unibertsitatea to offer its services by means of communications and promotional information. Under article 21 of Organic Law 34/2002, of 11 July, the holder of the data expressly authorizes the sending of advertising or promotional material, whether in electronic form or by any other means, without prejudice that consent for the reception of advertising or promotional material may be revoked at any time by sending an email to the address, indicating in the matter the reference “revocación de publicidad”.